October 23, 2006

Go Speedy, Go!

The cute lil red neon is no more. I was fed up with listening for new noises and spending more to fix the parts that made those noises than the car was worth.

I wasn't too choosy. I couldn't afford to be...bad credit (college credit cards did me in) and the necessity for a lower monthly payment limited my options...BUT...I think I did fairly well. I knew my stuff going in and inspired a "grandfatherly" reaction in the sales guy. I didn't get screwed over at all. I'm impressed with me on that one. The only complaint I have is that it is an automatic. I'd rather have a manual transmission. I'll survive.

This is what I now own: 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer

I'm torn between two names...cars must have names, it's like calling a child "kid" because you can't think of anything better - not cool. I'm thinking Speedy...as in Speed Racer, but for some reason my love of Bowie keeps screaming Ziggy...as in Ziggy Stardust. Whaddya think? Any better names?


Bridget said...

That is an adorable car. Also, I'm useless for names. But yay for cars!

Big Gay Jim said...

It's so...black. Name it Linus! ;) Though he'd also be thrilled with Ziggy. Kitt? ;)

Mandyfish said...

I think I'll stick with Ziggy...

Kit was my first thought too....but that implies I'm Hasslehoff. I'm not ok with that. *shudder*

Tessa K. said...

bad hasselhoff, no tanning oil

i like ziggy... it looks like a ziggy car... a ziggy car that could drive to elko to visit me =)

Linus said...

I heartily endorse all Bowie references - Ziggy is a great name. Of course you could be more obscure - call it Jareth...