August 23, 2006

Not a happy girl.

Rarely do I let the school stories venture over here...but...

I almost quit today. The eighth graders are assholes. If the bell hadn't have rung when it did....if they had gotten to push one more issue...I would have left the room in tears. As it was I went to the staff meeting physically shaking.

On that note...I'm done for today. I'm going to go hide.


Linus said...

I have long supported the arming of teachers - you know, sort of like airline pilots. Now if we can just convince them to put those special cockpit doors between you and the kids...

Emily said...


love you!

Mandyfish said...

Awww...I love you too Hilz. But I'm not letting the lil buggers win...I've declared war!

Thanks for the support Linus. I would love to be armed some days.

*hugs* Thanks Em.

T-Mac said...

That sucks, I'm sorry. Hang in there!