August 19, 2006


In case you didn't know, I don't readily advertise when I'm actually hurt. Yes, I will share, poke at, and extoll the virtues of kinky bruises. Yes, I will whine, pout, and generally be a baby when I have a cold/flu/allergies. Actual, non-consentual, non-planned pain is a different story.

On Thursday, gravity and I had a bit of a tiff. Gravity won. I suppose running down the hall at breakneck speed, in kitten heels, probably wasn't the best plan. I did get out of one class period though and had an adventure in the local ER. In the end, I'm nursing a badly bruised "extreme sprain" and a delay in wearing the cute new shoes I have.
Only mine are in black.

So, if I don't advertise real owwies...why am I blogging this? I got tired of telling people one at a time.....and I wanted to whine about not being able to wear my new shoes.


Mandyfish said...

*laughs* Long night, MM?

Claytonian said...

there should be accident cards that one can hand out when one is stuck in a cast.
"What happened?"
peron in cast hands an explanation card to the questioner, and limps on

Mandyfish said...

lol Clay....I'm not in a cast...just a wrapped bandage.

And the bruising is lightening up...but it still hurts like hell.